"Free of all its song
The bird soars
With wingbeats
Lighter than the wind." 1
With wingbeats
Lighter than the wind." 1
These verses by Andrée Chedid resonate fully with the spirit and dynamism of Bail Art. And with our latest news. Indeed, according to the latest Les Echos ranking, our company is one of the 500 champions of growth in 2020, and one of the top 10 in the culture and entertainment sector.
A long flight since 2009. The bird's song reaches a crescendo. Never like Icarus. The sounds of our notes flow and bounce, like a river running in its bed.
Growth in numbers, bothstatistical and human. Our multi-headed team has been growing steadily over the past few years. Our wings flapand rustlein a constantly changingart market. And we're proud to serve it.
Vast horizons are opening up, for us as well as for our collectors and partners. To all of you, we say thank you!
Mahault de Raymond-Cahuzac
1 Andrée Chedid, "L'Oiseau" (excerpt), Rythmes, Editions Gallimard, 2003
Georges Braque, L'Oiseau noir et l'oiseau blanc, 1960, Oil on canvas, 134 x 167.5 cm, Private collection
Photo © Laurens / Leiris SAS Paris
Photo © Laurens / Leiris SAS Paris